Apple’s iPhone 15 ULTRA is NOT what you think.. 🤦

we simply obtained confirmation that Apple'' s Ultra apple iphone is coming but possibly not when you think it'is and also it ' s most likely not mosting likely to resemble what you believe is going to appear like so in this video I'' m going to clarify all the different points that have actually transformed in regards to leakages as well as we'' re gon na see what the brand-new 15 Pro Models are coming with since we just got a bunch of leakages in regards to that also so allow'' s obtain started initially off I desire to remind you individuals of Mark German'' s leak back in September that the apple iphone 15 Ultra could replace the pro Max model following year which is now this year in 2023 however he just came back with a brand-new power on newsletter saying that apple is now taking into consideration a new premium iPhone along with the pro and pro Max so what that means is that we'' re gon na have a professional design a professional Max as well as a new high-end'Ultra design so it ' s not going to change a pro Max it ' s mosting likely to be in enhancement to it the only downside is that it ' s not gon na happen this year with the 15 schedule it ' s mosting likely to belong to the apple iphone 16 lineup or'later on so given that it ' s going to be an entirely separate as well as a lot more premium apple iphone kind of like what Apple made with the Apple watch Ultra a beef uh design what is it mosting likely to resemble well fortunately Jonas or Jonas on Twitter made a cool incredible job of what it can really look like and as you can see here'' s a little sneak peek of the USBC Port which in fact has orange around it which looks fantastic as well as an audio speaker Grille that matches the Apple watch Ultra and after that right here you go here'' s one more image'he ' s claiming 12 millimeter plus thick the ultra concept and also oh my benefits this looks absolutely outrageous and also amazing if this is what it winds up appearing like I'' m gon na be blown away and also I need to get among these since this looks beautiful you can see the natural Titan material much like the Apple watch Ultra you have this great beige glass on the back that'' s type of curved around it with a great slim camera bump which has these scooped electronic camera bumps on the within simply absolutely looks gorgeous I enjoy how the real buttons have this covered around it much like the Apple watch Ultra this looks absolutely ridiculous specifically adding an extra switch to the action button on the side much like the Apple watch I mean this is remarkable I wish it'' s gon na be like this however I believe it could actually be something entirely various and also hear me out because this makes sense what happens if this is Apple'' s way of introducing their brand-new iPhone layer next year what happens if the iPhone 16 Ultra is really the apple iphone fold that'' s one means they can escape a greater price visualize 14.99 1500 for a foldable iPhone due to the fact that if you think of it if they'' re maintaining the pro and also professional Max as it is just how else are you going to set apart a brand-new version to make it worth investing more well you have a collapsible and also going also more markerman specified stating that it makes feeling for Apple to eventually move to one access apple iphone to Pro iPhones and also one Ultra apple iphone so basically you'' re gon na have the regular apple iphone 16 then you have the 16 pro and professional Max and after that the 16 Ultra that ' s 4 much like we have a choice of four nice Front runner iPhones today to ensure that essentially implies the plus is going to obtain canceled it'' s going to obtain out of there we simply have one standard one and three premium which is why I assume the highest end model might be budget-friendly it simply makes feeling to me but also for currently we can expect the entire iPhone 15 schedule to be similar to the one that we have now other than all of the apple iphone 15s are gon na obtain the vibrant Island so so the notch is going away for a great across all designs permanently ultimately and all of the Pro Models are mosting likely to be getting titanium frames so the pro the pro Max whatever else all titanium but regardless this year'' s apple iphone 15 lineup is going to be the iPhone 15 the 15 plus the 15 Pro and the 15 Pro Max precisely just how it is right currently with the 14s so currently let ' s enter into the leaks of what we must anticipate for those Pro Models however before I'get involved in that I ' ve reached speak regarding this the magic stand case from our companion situation Q which essentially combines the very best and most Wanted facets of a case into one you'' ve not only got an excellent as well as sturdy design with strong Maxi magnets constructed in but the magsafe ring is actually on a joint so you can utilize it as a finger grasp or a 40 to 120 degree stand and the most effective part is that it folds up back entirely flush with the instance so it doesn'' t interfere with any various other Max save costs or devices so examine out the web link and all of the price cut information in the video clip summary below and currently let'' s return to the apple iphone 15 pro as well as professional Max features we simply got an outstanding leak from shrimp Apple Pro talking about what to expect in regards to the style the display screen sizes will stay the same to the apple iphone 14 lineup as you can see right here nonetheless the Pro 15 designs will certainly have thinner bezels with bent sides yes bent sides on the sides nonetheless the display screen is still flat so we still have a flat display only the bezels will certainly curve however the most fascinating component that he added was that the resource explained that the iPhone 15 Pro Max is very gorgeous with the thinner bezels and rounded edges creating the very same impact like on the Apple watch yet after that it obtains a little complicated since Joe resignal accumulated a number of the features that we should expect claiming we should expect bent bezels like the apple iphone 10 to 11 Pro with also thinner bezels like the Apple watch how however a flat structure on the side similar to the iPhone 12 Pro or more recent with a titanium frame like on the Apple watch Ultra so how can you clarify that well so take a look at my provides that I created with renders by shylash as you can see right here you have only the bezels that will certainly contour while the display screen is level so if you look closely you have a level glass panel just envision this additionally the same on the front however where it gets closer to the bezels or the sides that'' s where the glass contours to make sure that you still have a level titanium side or frame this is exactly what I think it could look like however after that envision this getting on the front of training course one more fine example is LD voba that made these makes revealing that you have a level framework yet the actual glass curves now in my opinion you'' re not mosting likely to have this square glass electronic camera bump it'' s going to be all level however the glass is what contours into the level side side so you can see these photos right here and also this isn'' t actually really great impact you can see on the front the glass curves into a level display and on the back this is generally precisely what Apple performed with the iPhone 4 as you can see in this picture you have flat sides frame and you have extending glass on the front and the back as well as it'' s curved simply like that I think of Apple'' s gon na bring that back to the iPhone 15 Pro Versions for the brand-new design today let'' s obtain into several of the other features consisting of the performance and also how it'' s mosting likely to compare to the rest of the competitors the first thing is an internal Apple paper leak that validates Wi-Fi 6E is coming to only the 15 Pro Designs then we additionally have the verification from inxical that we'' re obtaining strong state buttons on the new high-end iPhone 15 pro and professional Max models which is going to be an actually awesome design adjustment due to the fact that there'' s mosting likely to the additional taptic engines for both the quantity and power switches so it'' s going to feel really really good and afterwards Joe resignal put up this nice little list of revealing the pro attributes that the apple iphone 15 Pros are going to obtain yet not the normal 15s for instance we'' re mosting likely to have the a17 chip which I'' m going to discuss in a second Wi-Fi 6E like I mentioned a greater speed USBC Port which is going to behave maybe even Thunderbolt after that titanium framework even thinner bezels 8 jobs of RAM solid state buttons and at the very least 6X optical zoom on just the pro Max version however in 2024 next year also the iPhone 16 Pro regular model is mosting likely to be obtaining that Periscope lens which is mosting likely to be awesome and currently let'' s enter some performance standards contrasting the a17 that we'' re gon na reach the brand brand-new s23 Ultra with the Snapdragon 8 gen 2.

The problem with the new s23 Ultra is that even though p unique efficiency for graphics is higher as you can see right here in 3dmark extreme completely up there beating the 14 pro Max the real stability is even worse since as you can see the low is a lot even worse than Apple'' s apple iphone 14 professional Max right here you can see it overheats and also clocks down which is a really negative indication for the Samsung as well as an excellent sign for the iPhone currently Dame Tech also did gentian influence FPS tests and as you can see the average was 53.7 FPS which is actually fairly bad due to the fact that if you can see just how it contrasts to the 14 professional Max the a16 chip obtains 59 FPS practically ideal 60 in that video game contrasted to the s22 ultra with a cooler that got 50.9 so the 14 pro Max is currently beating it but now the a17 ship is going to be constructed on three Anna meter from tsmc the n3b process with LP ddr5 memory which indicates it'' s mosting likely to be actually excellent it'' s mosting likely to be really reliable and also the factor this issues is since that a17 bionic chip is going to be 35 more energy efficient enabling longer battery life so the effectiveness is mosting likely to permit Apple to clock up the performance of the graphics currently what some individuals may not know is that the a16 bionic chip was intended to have a brand name brand-new GPU with Equipment Ray mapping support however Apple had to terminate it as well as literally go back to the same exact GPU that'' s in the a15 chip as well as right here ' s some evidence geeker one on YouTube literally revealed that gpu-wise there'' s essentially no difference in between a15 and also a16 using pass away shots it'' s the same duplicate paste no difference whatsoever Apple had to can terminate the brand-new GPU but the benefit of that is that the new a17 chip coming in the 15 Pro will certainly have that brand-new GPU as well as it will certainly be based on tsmc'' s new 3 nanometer process so it'' s the perfect combination due to the fact that the factor they terminated it was because the a16 brand-new GPU was getting also hot leading to poor battery life as well as bad thermal throttling but three nanometer fixes that so the brand-new a17 Chip is mosting likely to be killer it'' s going to be a substantial upgrade for a performance as well as effectiveness and also obviously we have those new renders by Celeste that I revealed you the design is going to be remarkable on the brand-new pro and also professional Max versions and after that following year we'' re really hoping for that brand-new Ultra iPhone which might also be a collapsible so ideally you enjoyed this video and also these brand-new leaks if you did let me recognize down in the comment section listed below if anything attracted attention definitely click the circle ready to subscribe subscribe for more video clips like this one and also inspect out among those 2 over there many thanks for watching and we'' ll see you in the following video clip [Songs]

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